Resources and information for the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board

In 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board session (EB156) will take place in Geneva from 3rd to 11th February.
The WHO EB is comprised of 34 technical experts who are responsible for setting the agenda that will be discussed at the World Health Assembly in May. The World Health Assembly is WHO's decision-making body, responsible for WHO policies, programmes, budgets and electing the Director-General.
You can visit the WHO EB156 online portal to watch many of the proceedings and find other official documentation from the WHO.
This Advocacy Briefing provides background and key advocacy messages on NCD-relevant items on the EB156 provisional agenda (EB156) from the NCD civil society community.
The NCD community applaud WHO and Member State’s efforts to advance global and country policy and action for the provision of the continuum of care for people living with NCDs through the 156th Session of the WHO Executive Board.
Read more in the Advocacy Briefing!
Constituency and Individual Statements
- Constituency Statement: Agenda Item 24.2. Involvement of non-State actors in WHO's governing bodies
- Constituency Statement: Agenda Item 6. Universal Health Coverage
- Individual Statement: Agenda Item 7: Follow-up to the political declaration on NCDs
- Constituency Statement: Agenda Item 15. WHO's Work in Health Emergencies
- Individual Statement: Agenda Item 8. Mental Health and Social Connection
- Individual Statement: Agenda Item 14. Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health
- Constituency Statement: Agenda Item 12. Health and Care Workforce