International dialogue on sustainable financing for NCDs and mental health

The International Dialogue on Sustainable Financing for NCDs and Mental Health is a high-level technical meeting convened to explore approaches on how to include NCDs and mental health responses within national health and financing plans.

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A collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, the dialogue is part two of a series started in 2018 focused on assessing the status of NCD financing.

In 2022, the Lancet journal estimated that implementing the most cost-effective packages to address NCDs would cost an extra $18 billion per year over 2023-2030 in LMICs, but many countries would struggle to raise resources domestically. 

There is a strong and urgent imperative for investment in NCD prevention and treatment, with the potential to complement and benefit from a range of health and development agendas. This is because NCD represent far more than a health issue – they are a poverty issue, an equity issue, and a major human rights and sustainable development issue, as they disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable populations with disease, disability, and death

In preparation for the discussions, Member States, UN bodies and non-State actors — including organizations of people with lived experience of NCDs and mental health conditions — were invited to a feedback on draft technical background papers and emerging messages that will inform the dialogue’s outcome document. Read the response from NCD Alliance to the consulation documents, which were submitted in June, 2024. 


Key Resources

To accompany formal responses, NCD Alliance has published several resources to support advocay on financing for NCDs: