NCD Trailblazers Webinar: Bridging the gap in financing for NCDs




The NCD Alliance invites the global NCD movement to join an NCD Trailblazers webinar Bridging the gap in financing for NCDs to be held on Tuesday 31 March 2020 from 3.00 pm to 4. 30 pm CEST / 9:00 - 10:30 EDT. 

Despite the catastrophic global burden of NCDs and the numerous global commitments to accelerate the NCD response, the proportion of total global health financing dedicated to the prevention and treatment of NCDs has remained at an abysmal 1-2% for nearly twenty years. The latest data shows that in 2018, US$ 778 million, or just 2% of development assistance for health (DAH), was allocated to NCDs. This lack of attention to funding NCDs occurs at all levels: international, regional, and national. At the domestic level, only half of all governments included NCD line items in their budgets in 2011, and this number has not significantly increased since then. This is a far cry from the investment needed to translate global commitments into transformative national action in order to reach the 2025 and 2030 global targets on NCDs. 

In this webinar, join guest speakers from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), RTI International, the Framework Convention Alliance, the Health Finance Institute, and the South Africa NCD Alliance to hear the latest data on global financing for NCDs and how different countries and organizations are bridging the gap on financing. 


Please note that the live webinar will be open to the public, but slides and recording of the webinar will be shared only with NCDA members (full and associate) and partners within days of broadcast. If you are not already a member or partner of the NCD Alliance, and would like to learn more about the benefits of being one, please click here to learn more and apply.