UNGA77 side event: Unlocking the potential for collective impact

Unlocking the potential for collective impact: Finding the hidden benefits of partnering for noncommunicable diseases

In New York? Register for the event

There has been a universal call for greater collective action in pursuit of the UN SDGs. Yet, how do we know if our collective efforts are leading to collective impact? What metrics should be used? How do we demonstrate results? Can we clearly link cause and effect?

NCD Alliance, alongside Access Accelerated, RTI International, City Cancer Challenge, , PATH, World Bank and the World Heart Federation, this special UNGA side event will explore models of measuring collective impact and share experiences and insights from six years of collective action tackling NCDs.

For more information, please contact secretariat@accessaccelerated.org.


Martin Bernhardt, Director, Access Accelerated

Rachel Nugent, Vice President, Global Noncommunicable Diseases, RTI International

Kyle Peterson, Co-founder and Managing Director, Boldly Go Philanthropy

A panel discussion participants:

Facilitated by Prof. Liesl Zühlke

Dr Emília De Castro Monteiro, Focal Point, World Health Organization PEN, Diabetes Program Coordinator, Ministry of Health Cabo Verde

Dr Jemima Kamano, Physician, lecturer and researcher in Moi University School of Medicine, Kenya

Dr Alicia Pomata, Director, National Cancer Control Program, Instituto Nacional del Cancer, Paraguay