Advocacy Toolkit on NCDs in post-2015 coming soon!

19th February 2015

In the last six months of the post-2015 process, coordinated and effective advocacy at national and regional levels is essential to ensure that NCD prevention and control is central to the post-2015 development agenda.

This Thursday 26 February, the NCD Alliance will launch our Advocacy Toolkit on NCDs in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The toolkit aims to equip advocates with the information and tools to:

• Understand and navigate the post-2015 processes;

• Articulate the position of NCDs and health in the post-2015 framework;

• Identify stakeholders and opportunities to influence the agenda at national, regional, and global levels;

• Take effective action, with resources and an advocacy checklist.

The toolkit will be posted on the NDC Alliance website and available for download as a navigable PDF. Stay tuned!