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  • First Kenya National Forum on NCDs concludes with the Naivasha Call for Action

    Announcements  |  30th August 2011

    The Naivasha Call for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases, August 2011 We, the participants of the First National Forum on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) appreciate the role of the Government in focusing attention on these conditions and note with concern that: 1. Noncommunicable diseases are a major public health concern in the country 2. Noncommunicable diseases cause over 50% of all hospital deaths and hospital admissions 3. By 2030, noncommunicable diseases will contribute to over 60% of the total national mortality

  • NCD Alliance Launches Essential Medicines and Technologies Brief

    Announcements  |  23rd August 2011

    Hundreds of millions with NCDs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are dying prematurely or suffering life threatening complications because they cannot access affordable and essential NCD medicines and technologies.

  • Media Release: UN Member States jeopardise international progress on non-communicable disease epidemic

    Press Releases  |  17th August 2011

    Geneva - International progress on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disease, is at grave risk, because of recent efforts by some member states to postpone and weaken United Nations negotiations, an alliance of civil society organisations warned today.

  • Women for a Healthy Future - Sign the petition today

    Announcements  |  16th August 2011

    The NCD Alliance has joined Arogya Worldand other organi

  • NCD Alliance Launches Human Rights Brief

    Announcements  |  16th August 2011

    The Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization states, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition. ” Prepared by the NCD Alliance Human Rights Working Group, this briefing paper covers the issue of implementation for prevention, the right to essential medicines and technologies for NCDs, vulnerable populations, monitoring and reporting. Furthermore, 10 key recommendations are outlined.

  • 22 Countries Gather in Tonga to Unite in the Fight Against NCDs at the Third Pacific NCD Forum

    Announcements  |  15th August 2011

    The Third Pacific Non-communicable Disease (NCD) Forum has brought together more than 70 doctors, health experts, NGOs and representatives of international organizations from 22 countries to the capital Nuku'alofa, to share lessons learned and address country experiences from today's leading causes of death and morbidity in the Pacific Island Countries and territories, NCDs. [Picture: Lord Tu'ivakano, Prime Minister with Dr Puloka]

  • NCDA Position Statement: Delays, No Accountability or Time Commitments for UN Summit is No Commitment at All

    Press Releases  |  11th August 2011

    The NCD Alliance, a global coalition of organizations from over 170 countries focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), is gravely concerned that international progress on NCDs is at serious risk with recent efforts to postpone negotiations, while blocking accountability measures and time based targets in the UN Political Declaration on NCDs ahead of the September High-Level Meeting (HLM) on the prevention and control of NCDs. 


  • Less than 100 days to the Summit: A perspective

    Announcements  |  27th July 2011

    IDF President Jean Claude Mbanya, looks at what IDF and the NCD Alliance hope to achieve from the UN Summit on NCDs, in an editorial Less than 100 days to the UN Summit published in the July issue of “Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice”, Official Journal of the International Diabetes Federation.