ACT Health Promotion launched the Civil Society NCD Status Report for Brazil on 9 April at the 4th Intersectorial Forum on the Fight Against NCDs organised by the Public Health Institute. The report was supported through NCD Alliance’s NCD Advocacy Institute Accelerator Programme and is intended to stimulate government and relevant stakeholder action on NCDs.
The report analised progress against the Health Promotion axis of
Brasil’s 2011-2022 Strategic Action Plan to tackle NCDs. Secondary data was analised for the period between 2011 and 2017 from VIGITEL, a telephone based survey conducted annually part of the Surveillance System for Risk and Protection Factors for NCDs. The report notes with concern the increase in prevalence of overweight (from 48.5% to 54%) and obesity (15.8% to 18.9%) and harmful use of alcohol (from 17% to 19.1%).
The report makes specific recommendations according to each indicator analised, such as the adoption of front-of-pack nutrition labeling, and fiscal policies such as taxes increasing for non-healthy products, including tobacco, alcohol, sugar beverages and ultraprocessed food. The report urges the national adoption of the 2011-2022 Strategic Action Plan as well as other measures to guarantee a healthy population.