Healthy Caribbean Coalition hosts three key regional NCD meetings

05th June 2015

This 4, 5 and 6th June, HCC is hosting NCD meetings in key topics to help forward NCD prevention and control in the Caribbean region.

On the 4th June, in collaboration with The Commonwealth and the Caribbean Public Heath Agency (CARPHA), HCC held “Measuring and Engaging the Business Sector Response to NCDs – The Caribbean NCD Private Sector Forum” to provide an opportunity for senior business executives of the Caribbean to discuss how the private sector may implement and strengthen workplace wellness programmes and more effectively interact with government and civil society, in the response to NCDs.

The Forum supports at the regional level the WHO GCM/NCD Working Group on how to realise governments’ commitments to engage with the private sector for the prevention and control of NCDs. Cary Adams, chair of the NCD Alliance, spoke at the meeting on “Why NCDs matter to the private sector”.

On the 5th June, HCC with The Commonwealth, CARPHA and PAHO, is holding “Strengthening The Multi-Sectoral Response to NCDs in the Caribbean National NCD Commissions” to broaden the ‘whole of society’, multi-sectoral response to NCDs in the Caribbean through the strengthening of National NCD Commissions in CARICOM countries and the development of a NNCDCs implementation framework.

Finally, on the 6th June, supported by the NCD Alliance as part of the Expanding Access to Care, Supporting Global, regional and Country level NCD Action Programme in partnership with Medtronic Philanthropy, HCC will hold the Caribbean Civil Society Regional Preparatory Meeting to obtain consensus from Caribbean civil society around regional NCD advocacy priorities.

This was one of the six civil society preparatory meetings in lead up to the Global NCD Alliance Forum, taking place on November 2015 in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE).