The road to HLM4 - Get prepared for the multistakeholder hearing
19th March 2025
19th March 2025
One of the aims of the MSH is to identify concrete milestones for HLM4 and the Political Declaration that it will issued. The MSH will include two panels:
Panel 1: Tackling the determinants of noncommunicable diseases and mental health and well-being through multisectoral and effective governance and collaborative action
Panel 2: Reshaping and strengthening health systems and all forms of financing to meet the needs of people living with and at risk of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions.
Both meetings are expected to be broadcast on; for those joining the MSH in person, there will be an opportunity to deliver statements from the floor.
Please note that ECOSOC accreditation is not required to participate in the MSH.
A new report from the UN Secretary General confirms that the world is massively off track in the prevention and control of NCDs, the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, and calls for urgent action on financing and other key policy interventions.
This brief provides an analysis of the UNSG report based on NCDA’s policy priorities for the fourth High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the promotion on mental health and well-being (HLM4), as well as resources for advocates to join the Time to Lead campaign in the lead up to the HLM4, taking place on 25 September 2025, in New York.
The United Nations General Assembly, the main decision-making body of the UN representing all 193 Member States and governments, calls a United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) to focus on specific issues that require global political dialogue. There have been three UN HLMs on NCDs. In September 2025 there will be a fourth HLM on NCDs which will focus on renewing commitments and accelerating actions to prevent and control NCDs by 2030.
UN HLMs serve to increase awareness of an issue and to build consensus and commitment on the way forward. A UN HLM will result in a consensus statement such as a political declaration, outcome document or statement which all UN Member States commit to. Civil society works to influence these statements; so do health-harming industries. This is why we need everyone to get involved and act on NCDs. See how you can Take Action.