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  • WHO AFRO Regional Committee Meeting begins today

    Announcements  |  03rd November 2014

    The 64th Regional Committee Meeting for the WHO AFRO Region begins today in Cotonou, Republic of Benin. NCDs feature in the Report of the work of WHO in the African Region, and engagement with non state actors will be discussed under a standalone agenda item. A statement will be delivered on behalf of NCDA.

  • Off to the right start: World Diabetes Day campaign 2014

    World Days  |  30th October 2014

    The  International Diabetes Federation (IDF) launched today the World Diabetes Campaign. Get "Off to the right start" shows why having a healthy breakfast is a powerful way to address diabetes. 

  • Healthy Caribbean Coalition: Spirit of partnership

     |  29th October 2014

    As part of the NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, the He

  • #HealthyMeans campaign launched today

     |  28th October 2014

    Healthy Means is an online conversation advancing the discussion around future challenges and opp

  • WHO releases Global TB Report 2014

     |  27th October 2014

    Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the world’s deadliest communicable diseases.

  • WHO EMRO Regional Committee Meeting: Focus on NCDs

     |  24th October 2014

    The WHO EMRO Regional Committee Meeting concluded on 21 October in Tunis, Tunisia.

  • Caribbean HSS meeting shares lessons learned in NCD care

    Announcements  |  22nd October 2014

    As part of the NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) in partnership with PAHO/WHO and CARPHA is holding today a Caribbean Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) meeting in Dominica.

  • NCDA joins ITU and WHO in a groundbreaking partnership

    Announcements  |  21st October 2014

    The NCD Alliance has joined with WHO and ITU, the UN information and communication technologies (ICTs) health agency​, in a ground breaking new partnership to focus on the use of mobile technology to improve NCDs prevention and treatment.