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  • Climate-affected internally displaced persons board a boat to travel to Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    COP21: Historic climate change agreement reached in Paris

    Announcements  |  17th December 2015

    The COP21 climate negotiations in Paris concluded with the adoption of the Paris Accord, as agreed by the 195 Member States party to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

  • Waiting for Health Project

    Waiting for Health Project

    World Days  |  16th December 2015

    Launched on Human Rights Day, Waiting for Health Project is a new photo series that shares the faces and stories of some of the millions of people still waiting for health.

  • eHealth Africa

    UN launches high-level panel on access to medicines

    Announcements  |  14th December 2015

    The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines is inviting contributions for consideration that address the policy incoherence between international human rights law, trade rules and public health objectives regarding the innovation of and access to health technologies. 


  • 2015 Universal Health Coverage Day

    World Days  |  03rd December 2015

    Three years ago, on 12 December 2012, the United Nations unanimously endorsed a resolution urging governments to ensure universal access to quality health care without financial hardship. Now the United Nations has included universal health coverage in the new Sustainable Development Goals. 

  • GCM Dialogues, Nov 2015

    WHO GCM/NCD Dialogue on International Cooperation on NCDs

    Announcements  |  02nd December 2015

    The WHO Global Mechanism on NCDs (GCM/NCDs) convened this week 250 representatives from governments, NGOs, patients, youth, academia and the private sector in Geneva (Switzerland) for the second WHO GCM Dialogue on International Cooperation on NCDs.

  • New report of national and regional NCD alliances at #NCDAForum2015

    Announcements  |  19th November 2015

    The report "Achieving 25 x 25 through civil society coalitions" was launched last week at the first ever NCD Alliance Forum 2015. It highligths the significant number of national and regional alliances that have emerged in the past five years around the world.

  • Global NCD Alliance Forum 2015

    Sharjah Declaration adopted at Global NCD Alliance Forum 2015

    Press Releases  |  16th November 2015

    More than 200 civil society representatives from six continents adopted  the "Sharjah Declaration on NCDs: Civil Society United Towards 2030" yesterday, marking the end of the first-ever Global NCD Alliance Forum, held in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

  • Mexico: Seguro Popular health coverage program

    Sustainable Financing for NCDs

    Announcements  |  29th October 2015

    How can we turn political mandates to combat the global burden of NCDs into actions that will ensure resources are available to comprehensively do so? NCD Alliance Executive Director, Katie Dain, writes for The Lancet.