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  • Standing united at the Civil Society Interactive Hearing

    Announcements  |  27th June 2011

    Call for participation of Heads of State at the UN Summit.

  • NCD Alliance calls for Inclusion of Children in NCD outcomes

    Announcements  |  27th June 2011

    The NCD Alliance has called for children and adolescents not to be overlooked in the final outcom

  • Agitate, educate, integrate and communicate!

     |  24th June 2011

    Sir George Alleyne - Closing Comments at UN Civil Society Interactive Hearing on NCDs My first words must be of thanks to the President of the General Assembly for the invitation to participate in this important hearing. I also wish to thank the Task Force and the NCD Alliance as well as the World Health Organization for their support.

  • The NCD Alliance’s Ten key asks from the UN Summit on NCDs

    Announcements  |  15th June 2011

    As the dust settles on the civil society interactive hearing on noncommunicable diseases, the NCD Alliance highlights the following ten desired outcomes from the UN Summit on NCDs to be held in September: 1. Commit to a whole-of-government response through costed national plans for NCD prevention and treatment 2. Establish an NCDs Partnership, linked to WHO, to coordinate follow up action with member states, other UN and multilateral agencies, foundations, NGOs and private sector 3. Increase national and international resources for NCD prevention and treatment

  • NCD Alliance launches Children and NCDs publication

    Announcements  |  15th June 2011

    Children must be part of any solution when looking at the threat to global health posed by NCDs, and to ensure that they are not overlooked the NCD Alliance has launched 'A Focus on Children and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)'

  • NCD civil society movement speaks out at New York hearing

    Announcements  |  11th June 2011

    On 16 June, attention of the NCD civil society movement was focused on the Informal interactive civil society hearingon the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, which took place at the UN in New York. For a webcast of the 16 June hearing click here

  • NCD Alliance launches ‘100 Days of Action’, Countdown to the UN Summit on NCDs

    Press Releases  |  09th June 2011

    Geneva – With the UN High-Level Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) opening in 100 days, the NCD Alliance today called on all those concerned to make themselves heard by heads of state and health decision makers.

  • World No Tobacco Day Message: 31 MAY 2011

    World Days  |  31st May 2011

    Tobacco control is key to addressing NCDs Tobacco use is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including heart disease and cancer, as well as chronic respiratory disease. With the World Health Organization’s World Health Statistics 2011 showing that 4 in 10 men and 1 in 11 women use tobacco, tobacco control is a top priority for reversing the epidemic of NCDs, especially in low-income countries where both tobacco use and NCDs are increasing.