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  • Global leaders agree to promote health to achieve SDGs

    Announcements  |  21st November 2016

    Leaders from governments and United Nations organisations, city chiefs and health experts from around the world today made two landmark commitments to promote public health and eradicate poverty.

  • UN consultation on the right to food and the use of pesticides

    Announcements  |  16th November 2016

    The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food will focus her next annual report to the Human Rights Council on the human rights implications of the widespread use of hazardous pesticides on human rights, in particular the right to food.

  • 66 million people may live with COPD in Europe, yet it remains unknown

    World Days  |  16th November 2016

    Research finds that as many as 66 million people in European region may be living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – yet, very few people have ever heard of this disease.

  • "No Empty Shelves" on World Diabetes Day

    World Days  |  14th November 2016

    “No Empty Shelves” project calls the public and private sector to help increase access to essential medicines and technologies for diabetes. The NCD Alliance joins over 30 global organisations partners supporting this call to action led by PATH.

  • Co-chairs' statement from the 2016 WHO GCM/NCD Global Dialogue

    Announcements  |  10th November 2016

    The WHO GCM/NCD Global Dialogue took place in Mauritius between 19 and 21 October 2016, on the role of non-State actors in supporting Member States in their national efforts to tackle NCDs as part of the 2030 Agenda. The Co-Chairs’ Statement is available on the GCM/NCD website.

  • World Diabetes Day 2016: #Test2Prevent

    World Days  |  10th November 2016

    World Diabetes Day is celebrated annually on November 14. The theme this year is Eyes on Diabetes. Activities and materials will focus on promoting the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and treatment to reduce the risk of serious complications.

  • WHO DG Margaret Chan calls to stop the tobacco epidemic

    Announcements  |  07th November 2016

    "Every tobacco death is an avoidable tradedy. The epidemic must stop here", says WHO Director General Dr Chan in an op-ed published yesterday in The Guardian, before the start of the 7th Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC in India this week.

  • #NCDCafe at #2016WCC: lively discussions on key topics

    Announcements  |  03rd November 2016

    The NCD Café at #2016WCC opened on Tuesday with a session on shared risk factors. Wednesday featured solutions for addressing NCDs in women. The programme ends today with a session on mHealth.