NCDA at AIDS 2024

Discover more about NCD Alliance's satellite event at the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) in Munich and our key resources on HIV and NCD integration.

Satellite Session at AIDS 2024 

Reaching the 4th “90” target: Accelerating the integration of HIV and Noncommunicable Disease responses to improve quality of life

Monday 22nd July 2024, 15.00 – 16.30 Munich, Germany (hybrid - for conference delegates) Room 1


  • Raise awareness of increased risks of comorbidities of NCDs and mental health conditions for people living with HIV: re-emphasize that NCD, mental health and HIV/AIDS are interlinked, e.g. through ageing, risk-association, comorbidities.
  • Showcase the benefits and challenges, and best practice solutions at country level for integrated, people-centred health-services for improving treatment outcomes and quality of life, as well as driving cost savings for health systems.
  • Reflect on the global policy landscape to date and opportunities ahead to further the NCD/mental health/HIV integration agenda, such as follow up from the UHC UN High-Level Meeting in 2023, the Lusaka Agenda, the review process of the SDGs, and the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025, and HIV in 2026; reflect on global health financing opportunities to accelerate country implementation of person-centered integrated health services. 

The event is co-hosted by NCD Alliance, GNP+, STOPAIDS, Frontline AIDS, PATH, WHO and the International AIDS Society. 

Key Resources

15 transformative solutions to realise better health in people living with and affected by HIV and NCDs

NCDA alongside UNAIDS, GNP, IAS, STOPAIDS and Frontline AIDS have published joint policy recommentations to support and encourage the realisation of the 90% integrated care target set at the UN High Level Meeting for HIV/AIDS in 2021. The document provides 15 recommendations, broken down by stakeholder and level of health care.


Spending Wisely: Exploring the economic and societal benefits of integrating HIV/AIDS and NCDs


Long, full, healthy lives: Delivering on the commitment to integrated NCD care for people living with HIV by 2025


Policy Brief - From Siloes to Synergies: Integrating noncommunicable disease prevention and care into global health initiatives and universal health

Video explainer: Integrating NCDs in the HIV response to protect decades of progress

Decades of hard-worn progress in HIV control are now at risk as a result of the increasing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases among people living with HIV, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Only the integration of HIV and NCD health services can reverse this trend.



Find out more

NCD civil society spotlights NCD integration in Rwanda, Tanzania, and Malawi

In 2022, the NCD alliances of Rwanda, Malawi and Tanzania developed national reports on the integration of NCD and HIV services at the primary care level. This work was the first of its kind in all three countries.

Read more.

Film: Combining care to save lives

After losing two children soon after birth, Sally was diagnosed with AIDS, then cervical cancer. At the Rangi Tatu clinic in Tanzania, vital connections are being made between HIV and NCDs – see why this matters to people like her.