NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library
Civil Society Resource Library
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The WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, in collaboration with the NCD Alliance, organised a two-day regional meeting on Strengthening NCD civil society organisations in WHO SEARO in New Delhi, India on 9–10 July 2015.
Prepared for meeting on strengthening NCD civil society organisations, WHO SEARO, New Delhi, 9-10 July 2015 CSRL
This report aims to assess the implementation of the national plan for tackling NCDs, from the perspective of civil society, focusing on actions proposed along the Health Promotion Axis.
This study was undertaken by the East African NCD Alliance Post-2015 Initiative, a loose coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) working to tackle the challenge of NCDs in the East Africa region.
The report aims to provide a detailed assessment of progress made in tackling NCDs in the Caribbean as viewed by civil society, and in- cludes a call to action in those areas in which gaps have been detected and about which the HCC will encourage and assist civil society organsation (CSO) led advocacy.