Published | 01st September 2022 |
Author | NCD Alliance and signatories |
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The NCD Alliance and co-signatories thank the World Health Organization (WHO) for reviewing and preparing the second draft of the 2022 updated Appendix 3 of WHO’s Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 2013–2030 (hereinafter ‘Appendix 3’) – also known as the NCD ‘best buys’ and other recommended interventions.
In the NCD Alliance’s response to the first draft, we commended the strengths of the update process and shared some reservations and several recommendations on both the methodology and content of the first draft.
In this joint submission to the second consultation, we welcome the revised update including additional information on the methodology and share comments about strengthening the methodology, general and specific feedback on the update process, and the content. Our comments include;
- Provide more information on the methodology of this update, including the unit used, how cost-effectiveness was measured for interventions that include several components, and clarification on the methodological limitations
- Retain the concept of NCD ‘best buys’ in the updated Appendix 3
- Strengthen the consultation and updating processes
- Provide guidance on the synergistic benefits of combining interventions
- Appendix 3 be as clear and precise as possible with the descriptions of interventions
- Appendix 3 needs to be consistent across sections
- Appendix 3 needs to reflect the evolving NCD agenda.
This submission was prepared by NCDA’s policy and advocacy team, also informed by members of the NCDA network. Co-signatories include:
- ACT Health Promotion
- Africa NCDs Network
- Alianza ENT Chile
- Alzheimer’s Disease International
- ANAQ Foundation Ghana
- Burundi NCD Alliance
- Cameroon Civil Society NCD Alliance
- Cancer Research UK
- Coalicion America Saludable (CLAS)
- Ghana NCD Alliance
- Healthy Caribbean Coalition
- Healthy India Alliance
- International Association for Dental Research
- International Society of Nephrology
- Movendi International
- NCD Child
- Norwegian Cancer Society
- Swedish Hear Lung Foundation
- Tanzania NCD Alliance
- The George Institute
- Umane
- Vital Strategies
- World Cancer Research Fund International
NCDA stands ready to continue supporting the updating process and looks forward to the next steps. The live informal consultation with non-State actors in official relations with WHO is scheduled for 19th September 2022. You can find the latest information on the updating process and consultations here.