NCD Alliance / Resources / Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Key advocacy documents to support the NCD Alliance campaigns in global fora.

This section lists documents prepared by NCD Alliance team for WHO World Health Assemblies, Executive Boards and Regional Committee Meetings, UN NCD Summit and Reviews, Sustainable Development Goals, and other multilateral & bilateral campaigns.

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

  • Statement: NCD prevention and control

    Statement: NCD prevention and control

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
     |  12th October 2015

    NCD Alliance Statement WHO WPRO Regional Meeting, 12-16 October 2015, Guam, USA. Statement under Agenda item 14.5: NCD Prevention and Control.

  • Statement: Progress report on prevention and control of NCDs

    Statement: Progress report on prevention and control of NCDs

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
     |  05th October 2015

    NCD Alliance Statement WHO EMRO Regional Meeting, 5-8 October 2015, Kuwait Statement under Agenda item 2d: Progress report on prevention and control of NCDs.

  • Statement: Health in Sustainable Development and Foreign Policy

    Statement: Health in Sustainable Development and Foreign Policy

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
     |  14th September 2015

    NCD Alliance Statement WHO EURO Regional Meeting, 14–17 September 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. Statement under Agenda item 5a: Promoting intersectoral and interagency action for health and well- being in the WHO European Region: Health in Sustainable Development and Foreign Policy.

  • Statement on NCDs in Sustainable Development

    Statement on NCDs in Sustainable Development

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
     |  07th September 2015

    NCD Alliance Statement WHO SEARO Regional Meeting, 7-11 September 2015, Dili, Timor-Leste. Statement on NCDs in Sustainable Development.

  • NCD-related items at WHO RCMs 2015

    NCD-related items at WHO RCMs 2015

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
     |  02nd May 2015

    NCD-related items at WHO regional committee meetings 2015

  • Advocacy briefing: WHO Executive Board 136

    Advocacy briefing: WHO Executive Board 136

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
    (376.51kB)  |  25th January 2015

    During the Regional Committee meetings, NCDA is coordinating representation to ensure a strong civil society voice is present on any discussions on NCDs, and is producing statements to be delivered.



    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
    (146.94kB)  |  12th September 2012