NCD Alliance / Resources / Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Key advocacy documents to support the NCD Alliance campaigns in global fora.

This section lists documents prepared by NCD Alliance team for WHO World Health Assemblies, Executive Boards and Regional Committee Meetings, UN NCD Summit and Reviews, Sustainable Development Goals, and other multilateral & bilateral campaigns.

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

  • Barcelona Declaration for Habitat III - Public Spaces

    Barcelona Declaration for Habitat III - Public Spaces

    UN Sustainable Development Goals
    (228.99kB)  |  11th April 2016

    Public spaces offer distinct opportunities to protect public health for all people living in cities. Download here the Barcelona Declaration for Habitat3, with recommendations to be considered an official input for the New Urban Agenda, to be adopted at the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development (Habitat 3), taking place in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016.

  • IACHR Thematic Hearing - Support letter

    IACHR Thematic Hearing - Support letter

    (204.73kB)  |  03rd April 2016

    The organisations signing this document celebrate that the IACHR has granted a thematic hearing on right to health and smoking in the Americas and respectfully ask the Commission to recommend that states take measures in order to confront the tobacco epidemic and prevent the tobacco industry from violating the right to health through their deceptive behavior.

  • NCD Alliance Contribution to HLP on Access to Medicines

    NCD Alliance Contribution to HLP on Access to Medicines

    (1.37MB)  |  28th February 2016

    The NCD Alliance's contribution for consideration by the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines, as they work to improve access to essential medicines and technologies that will improve the health and wellbeing of all. Feb 2016 (A2M)

  • Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Prevention and Control of NCDs

    Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Prevention and Control of NCDs

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (269.91kB)  |  25th January 2016

    Agenda item 6.3 – Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: responses to specific assignments in preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable diseases in 2018

  • NCD Alliance Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors

    NCD Alliance Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (351.53kB)  |  25th January 2016

    Agenda Item 5.3 - WHO ́s Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA).

  • Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (356.83kB)  |  25th January 2016

    Statement of the Union for International Cancer Control at the 138th WHO Executive Board Agenda Item 7.2 - Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  • Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Women's, Children's and Adolescent's Health

    Statement at the 138th Executive Board: Women's, Children's and Adolescent's Health

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (449.03kB)  |  25th January 2016

    Statement on Agenda Item 7.3 - Operational plan to take forward the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health.

  • NCD Alliance Statement at 138th Executive Board: Health and Air Pollution

    NCD Alliance Statement at 138th Executive Board: Health and Air Pollution

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (228.55kB)  |  25th January 2016

    Agenda Item 7.5 - Health and the environment: draft roadmap for an enhanced global response to the adverse health effects of air pollution.