Published | 04th October 2023 |
Author | NCDA |
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This document provides some preliminary key messages from the NCD Alliance (NCDA) on WHO’s Fourteenth General Programme of Work, 2025–2028 (GPW14). They are based on information available on AFR/RC73/15. In summary:
- We applaud and strongly welcome the draft GPW14 outline, including the proposed strategic objectives, its renewed focus on improving the monitoring and evaluation of results, as well as reference to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health and neurological conditions, throughout the text.
- We also welcome the consultation plans with Member States and specific country groups, such as Small Island Developing States, and civil society and other non-state actors free from conflicts of interest; we, however, express concern that not enough notice time and background might be provided ahead of the GPW14 consultations to allow the meaningful engagement of civil society and people living with health conditions.
- We recommend that GPW14 acknowledges that people living with health conditions, including NCDs, are especially vulnerable to health emergencies; reflects the countries’ need to increase health spending; aims to expand UHC tracer indicators to also monitor services quality and disaggregate data; establishes commercial determinants of health as a core action area of WHO’s work to address the determinants and root causes of ill health; keeps WHO’s menu of policy options on NCD prevention and control as a normative reference; and brings focus on strengthening health governance and accountability, particularly by meaningfully engaging people living with health conditions, such as NCDs, including mental health and neurological conditions.