WHO Best Buys 101 - Unpacking the recommended interventions on NCD prevention and control

WHO Best Buys 101 - Unpacking the  recommended interventions on NCD  prevention and control <
Published 06th October 2021
Author NCDA


This training provided a general introduction to the WHO Best Buys and their recommended interventions for NCD prevention and control, increasing knowledge on why these were developed and the policies considered, as well as a snapshot on the mechanisms to support their implementation and monitoring.

The slides of this webinar are also available at 'My NCDA Hub'



The NCDA Advocacy Institute's Seed virtual trainings in 2020 are a benefit of our member alliances to help them strengthen their activities in the NCD space and their coalition building efforts. The slides and recordings are also open to all NCDA members and NGO supporters as it may help inform their own advocacy and capacity development work. If you are not already a member or NGO supporter of NCDA, and would like to learn more about the benefits of being one, you can learn more here or directly apply here.