NCDA partner
About Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Teva is the world’s leading provider of generic medicines, with an innovative portfolio, including specialty medicines and biosimilars. Headquartered in Israel, where Teva was founded in 1901, the company specialises in developing, manufacturing and delivering quality, affordable generic medicines, as well as innovative specialty pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter healthcare products and active pharmaceutical ingredients supplied to industry peers. With a presence in 60 countries, Teva reaches close to 200 million people every day.
At Teva, Social Impact means aligning corporate resources and expertise with relevant areas of global health and social need. Teva is dedicated to promoting health and increasing access to treatment for patients, while cultivating a culture of compliance, ethics and transparency.
Teva drives Social Impact by contributing to healthy communities and leading a responsible business. The company’s portfolio includes many treatments for chronic conditions, and its deep expertise in this space led Teva to look more closely at the impact of chronic diseases on patients.
Multiple Chronic Conditions
The growing burden of Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) — the presence of two or more chronic conditions — is of central concern to Teva, which manufactures treatments for many chronic conditions. MCC affects one in three adults globally; yet, little is known about it. In addition to partnering with the NCD Alliance, Teva seeks to drive:
Scalable Solutions: Teva has partnered with Mount Sinai’s Arnhold Institute for Global Health in New York to understand the needs of patients with MCC and identify patient-centered solutions. Together, they are designing and piloting a behavior change program focused on a range of self-management behaviors, which they hope to scale, particularly to low-resource settings. On the other side of the world, Teva partners with the Navrongo Health Research Centre in rural Ghana to address behavioral determinants of two major chronic conditions. Teva is also training patients’ peers — community health volunteers — to help nurses promote changes in exercise, diet, tobacco and alcohol use.
Global Thought Leadership: Teva has hosted events and panels each year during the United Nations General Assembly in New York and the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, to elevate MCC on the global public health agenda. With key partners, Teva has convened multi-sectoral leaders to discuss how the company’s expertise and resources can help improve the lives of those with MCC. Insights gleaned from these conversations are critical to drawing attention to this rapidly growing problem and moving the needle.
Increased Access Through Partnerships: Since 2012, Teva has worked with Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) to provide healthcare services to those without access in the US. Enhancing Access2Care is a two-year program that improves access and care for underserved populations. Funded by Teva and implemented with Direct Relief and VIM, the program supports VIM clinics in providing primary and preventive healthcare to individuals with MCC.
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Basel Street 5
Petach Tikva 49131