The purpose of the NCD Alliance website is to provide the latest news, resources and information on the global campaign for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The website will serve as a campaign hub, a platform for advocacy, and a resource for sharing information among the wider global health community. Who We Are We are an alliance of four international federations uniting a network of over 2000 organizations representing the four main NCDs outlined in the World Health Organization’s 2008-2013 Action Plan for NCDs – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease. These conditions share common risk factors (including tobacco use, physical inactivity and unhealthy diets) and also share common solutions, which provide a mutual platform for collaboration and joint advocacy. By working together from the global to the local level in a network of over 2000 organizations, we bring a united voice to the global campaign for non-communicable diseases. Our long term objectives include: 1. NCD / disease national plans for all 2. A tobacco free world 3. Improved lifestyles 4. Strengthened health systems 5. Global access to affordable and good quality medicines and technologies 6. Human rights for people with NCDs What We Do The NCD Alliance uses targeted advocacy and outreach to ensure that NCDs are recognized as a major cause of poverty, a barrier to economic development and a global emergency. This is done by working with a wide range of partners and organizations, speaking with a united voice at key international meetings, mobilizing the 2000 organizations on our network, producing the latest policy work on NCDs and building the evidence base, convening expert working groups on a range of topics, and pressing governments to recognize that NCDs are a global development priority requiring an urgent response. The NCD Alliance works with many partners that share a common interest in improving the lives of people living with NCDs and addressing their risk factors. History The NCD Alliance was launched in May 2009 at an event in Geneva titled Health and Development: Held back by Non-Communicable diseases.The NCD Alliance has been joined by many additional partners since its launch - please visit the links below for more information. Partnership Groups The UN Summit Partners GroupThe Common Interest GroupThe NCD Alliance Supporters Consultation Group NCDA Statement on Private Sector Funding and Partnerships