Unite for a Healthy Future
Where: at the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM), New York, USA; The New York Academy of Medicine
When: Sunday, September 18. 1:00pm-5:00pm
Join us on September 18 at the NYAM, New York, and support the fight against cancer, diabetes, heart and chronic respiratory disease.
On 19 and 20 September 2011, policy leaders from around the world will come together for the United Nations High-Level Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) - cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes. During this high level meeting they will focus on the global threat caused by NCDs.
This is the only 2nd Health Summit in the history of the UN. HIV/AIDS led the way in making history changing the way policy makers and the world see this devastating disease. We now have the opportunity to be active agents of change.
To celebrate this, the NCD Alliance (led by the International Diabetes Federation with the support of The World Heart Federation, the Framework Convention Alliance, Diabetes Hands Foundation, Team Type 1, Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Diabetes Daily, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Einstein Global Health Center and other leading health bloggers is organizing an afternoon celebration at NYAM, New York City, on 18 September, the day before the UN summit. Our goal is to raise awareness that non-communicable diseases are the leading killers today and are still on the rise. But together we can change this.
Over 35 million people die of NCDs every year which account for 60% of all global deaths, causing a huge social and economic burden. Many of them die prematurely caused by a lack of access to affordable medicines and health care services.
Your presence at NYAM is crucial! You can show global leaders and the rest of the world that we demand healthy environments and concrete commitment in battling diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease!
Download the event poster to post on your website or blog: http://www.idf.org/sites/default/files/attachments/unite-healthy-future-...
Join us at NYAM with family and friends to promote healthy lifestyles. Don't miss out on activities at NYAM! Register your attendance by dropping us a line: [email protected]
If you have a Facebook account, visit our page to see who will be there and let us know if you can take part: If you have a Facebook account, visit our page to see who will be there and let us know if you can take part:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=242368832453916