In 2025, the Global NCD Alliance Forum is organised under the theme ‘Leadership on NCDs towards 2025 & beyond’, bringing together 650 delegates from around the world to strategise, coordinate and unite ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, happening later that year.
The Global NCD Alliance Forum is NCDA’s flagship convening event, held every two years to unite the NCD movement to promote knowledge exchange, share good practice and strengthen capacity to advocate for the prevention and control of NCDs.
The Forum is convened by NCDA in partnership with local host organisation, Rwanda NCD Alliance, in collaboration with the Rwanda Ministry of Health, Rwanda Biomedical Centre, and with thanks to our strategic partnership with The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Visit the 2025 Global NCD Alliance Forum website
Rwanda - a strategic location
This year's Forum will be hosted in Kigali, Rwanda, a long-standing leader on successfully tackling public health issues in Africa.
Dubbed the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda is well known for its beauty, but also as a beacon of progress on health and NCDs within the region and globally, trailblazing renowned Universal Health Coverage reforms. Its holistic and multisectoral approach brings together government ministries responsible for sport, food and nutrition, trade, environment, education, and local government, while building the capacity of frontline health workers, to support long-term investment for a healthier future.
Hosting the Forum in Rwanda is therefore an opportunity to promote good practice and leadership on NCDs, as well as building momentum on NCDs within the region.
Who can attend the Global Forum?
The Forum is attended by invitation only, offering a small and exclusive convening with ample opportunities for networking and exchange.
The primary target audience for the Forum is NCD civil society, including NCDA members, national and regional NCD alliances, youth and people living with NCDs. The Forum is a unique and diverse convening of the NCD community. The Forum also brings together a diverse set of actors, including governments, UN and multilateral agencies, academia, relevant private sector, and broader global health and development stakeholders, contributing diverse perspectives and know-how.
Forum sponsorship packages are available, for more information, please see the Become a Forum Sponsor page on the 2025 Forum Website.
The programme
Taking place over three days from 13 to 15 February, the Forum will consist of an official programme complemented by a rich agenda of activities. The official programme is structured around three key sub-themes (Inspiring Leaders, Mobilising Sustainable Financing, Powering Up Communities) which serve as the guiding framework for plenaries, interactive sessions and workshops.
Hallmarks of the Forum programme are its focus on success stories and “what’s working” in the NCD response, showcasing pioneering and innovative solutions from the community to the global level to prevent and treat NCDs, and practical policy and advocacy strategies to respond to the challenges and barriers remaining. It will also emphasise people-centred and community-led approaches, with a strong focus on the lived experience of NCDs and the role that civil society and youth plays.
The Forum aims to elevate global and regional awareness of NCDs, accelerate collective action, unite civil society, promote evidence-based practices, and amplify the voices of people living with NCDs, driving commitment to prioritise NCDs in health and sustainable development agendas.
Visit the 2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum website