Batool Al-wahdani
Board Member, International Youth Health Organization; Speciality Training Doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, NHS England
Why would you like to be on the NCDA Board of Directors?
As a health worker and youth advocate, I am driven by my passion to fight against NCDs and reduce health inequalities globally, particularly for youth, women, and girls. I witness the devastating impact of NCDs on my patients every day. Having worked with global health organisations such as the International Youth Health Organization and the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, I have come to understand the far-reaching effects of NCDs on young people and the challenges they face in holding decision-makers accountable for prevention and control.
Attending the Global NCDA Forum and meetings before, I was inspired by the dedicated members who lead the charge in this fight. By joining the NCDA Board of Directors, I hope to contribute to the mission of the organisation, leveraging my leadership skills to set strategic priorities, collaborate with members worldwide, and contribute to policy development. I deeply respect the value and impact of civil society groups in shaping global health policy and I am eager to learn from the NCDA community, interact with its members, and help shape the global NCD agenda, particularly in decision-making arenas such as the upcoming High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs in 2025.
I am confident that my personal experience will help me play an active role in driving a bigger focus on youth, girls and woman’s health while serving as part of NCD Alliance board of directors.
What makes you a good candidate for the NCDA Board of Directors?
I believe that my background, skills, and experience make me a good candidate for the NCDA Board of Directors. As a junior doctor, a youth advocate and a board member of the International Youth Health Organization, I have a strong passion for youth health and addressing NCDs.
My experience as the Vice President for External Affairs and subsequently as the President of IFMSA has given me valuable skills and knowledge to effectively engage with NCDA members. Through these roles, I have gained hands-on experience in advocacy, partnerships, and communication. I have been accountable for over 125 local NGOs globally, and I have developed the skills to engage members in decision-making processes, set their priorities globally, and represent their voices on global health agendas.
As an engagement analyst at the World Health Organization, I was responsible for simplifying complex policy frameworks into communication products and training that supported engagement with non-State actors. Through my various previous roles at WHO, I was exposed to a magnitude of global health actors, which equipped me with the skills to actively engage with networks, initiate and lead global health collaborations and policy discussions.
Overall, with my professional experience, expertise in engaging youth groups, civil society involvement, and engagement in global health, I am confident that my contribution as a board of directors’ member will bring a unique perspective and renewed energy to the NCD Alliance’s efforts in advocating for action against NCDs, with a particular emphasis on youth, women and girls.
Dr Batool Al-wahdani is a board member at the International Youth Health Organization and a Specialty Training Doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the NHS, UK.
With a proven track record of leadership and advocacy, Batool has served in several posts in the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), including IFMSA President in 2018/2019. Batool has experience engaging with youth groups and addressing their health challenges. She led advocacy efforts of medical students on UHC, NCDs, and the SDGs, representing youth and early career professionals in international meetings and working groups.
She also worked at the World Health Organization on the shortfall of health workers, youth engagement in health and most recently on due diligence and risk assessment for engagements with non-State actors. She is a Chevening Scholar with a MSc of Public Health degree from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.