Beatriz Champagne
Executive Director, Coalition for Americas' Health/Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable (CLAS)
Why would you like to be on the NCDA Board of Directors?
Having participated in many projects and campaigns with NCDA, I hope now to contribute as a member of the Board of Directors. I can be useful in several ways.
- Using my knowledge of civil society governance, I hope to help NCDA continue to be an effective, respected global organisation, building capacity for NCD prevention and control, and meeting the needs of its members.
- Having worked extensively in Latin America and the Caribbean, I believe I can be a good representative for my region. Examples follow. I have helped develop NCD advocacy networks that have contributed to the region’s successes in policy change, such as front of package food labelling and tobacco control. I’ve supported the organisation of coalitions and alliances, at the national and regional level, to advance and defend health policies in different countries, address issues of industry influence, conflicts of interest, regional agenda setting, communication, and capacity building. CLAS seeks funding to support its members.
- Having been chair of the Advocacy Committee for the World Heart Federation and a member of the accountability team with the WHO Civil Society working group on NCDs, I am sensitive to the complexities and diversity of situations across the globe. I believe I can encourage exchange with others to help us all learn and grow. For example, in Latin America we applied learnings from Thailand to reach high level politicians, and from Africa to reduce alcohol consumption. I hope to help others know about what we have learned in Latin America.
What makes you a good candidate for the NCDA Board of Directors?
I have contributed to the NCDA community for many years through CLAS, the Coalition for Americas’ Health, which is the NCDA’s regional member for Latin America (LA). As executive director, I am familiar with issues of governance, financial management, public relations, and membership engagement.
Accomplishments: 1st tobacco virtual network in LA, capacity building events to advance FCTC policies, presided over 5 regional tobacco or health conferences, policy research, 7 journalism contests, national smoking cessation strategy & training of healthcare professionals, researched tobacco economy in Argentina and illicit trade in Mercosur, PI CARMELA study of risk factors in LA, salt reduction Consortium. With partners, currently developing a Community of Practice for healthy and sustainable food systems called COLANSA. Policy Brief on Front of Pack Labelling and on Alcohol and Cardiovascular Diseases with World Heart Federation. Promoting finance-public health dialogue. Supporting population-based strategies in Universal Health Coverage. Previously I was Executive Director of the InterAmerican Heart Foundation 1995‑2017.
This past year I have become even more committed to strengthening the voices and actions of persons that live with an NCD having supported my husband Tony through diagnosis, surgery and recovery from an aggressive cancer that turned both of our lives upside down. It has been a difficult path that has not yet ended.
My superpower: abundant energy and a work ethic that has helped me through many challenges. I hope to actively represent the NCDA and its members and be a responsible actor at Board meetings.
Beatriz Champagne has been dedicated to the prevention & control of NCDs in the Americas with the Healthy Americas’ Coalition (CLAS). CLAS promotes & defends policies for good nutrition, physical activity, tobacco & alcohol control. CLAS has 200+ member organisations and provides a coherent response from civil society on policy issues. She is immediate past Chair of the World Heart Federation Advocacy Committee. Having been born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and having grown up there, Beatriz’s roots and heart are in the developing world.
2009 Luther L. Terry Award for Exemplary Leadership in Tobacco Control, 2017 Sharjah NCD Advocacy Award, 2018 WHO World No Tobacco Day Award. BS summa cum laude U. of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, MS and Ph.D. Rutgers University, New Jersey.