Kaushik L Ramaiya
Honorable Secretary and CEO, Tanzania NCD Alliance (TANCDA)
NCD Alliance Board Member 2021‑2023
Why would you like to be on the NCDA Board of Directors?
I have been working with people with diabetes since 1986 when I was pursuing my master’s degree in Internal Medicine (M.Med) at Muhimbili National Hospital (University of Dar es Salaam). I have been one of the founder members of Tanzania Diabetes Association (TDA). I am currently clinician/physician/diabetologist at Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital and teaching at Muhimbili University of Health & Allied Sciences (MUHAS).
With my other colleagues we started strengthening TDA and have established Tanzania NCD Alliance (TANCDA) and have hosted several international meetings and have been working with people with diabetes/NCDs to improve their quality of life, empower them and establish diabetes/NCD services across the country. I have also been one of the founder members of East African NCD Alliance (EANCDA) and having gained experience in the National Alliance (TANCDA) and Regional Alliance (EANCDA), this is the right path to follow at the Global level.
I have been a member of the current Board of Global NCD Alliance and am seeking a second term to continue work at the Global level. With my experience, I have a lot to offer at the global stage.
What makes you a good candidate for the NCDA Board of Directors?
Since 2012, I have been CEO of Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam and prior to that have been member of various national and international Boards and committees. My ongoing membership/participation in these Boards and committees proves my leadership ability, interpersonal skills, communication skills and above all confidentiality.
I have been Chair, IDF Africa Region from year 2000-2006. During that period, we worked towards establishing diabetes associations in countries which had no association, assisted to build their organisational and governance structures, and developed the first Africa Region Type 2 diabetes management guidelines and Diabetes educators training manual in English, French & Portuguese languages. I also initiated several training programs in diabetes and its complications in the Region including post-graduate training programs with European Association for Study of Diabetes (EASD) and supported Pan African Diabetes Study Group (PADSG) and Pan African Diabetes Educators Group (PADEG) to expand their activities and convene regular scientific/training meetings We also produced “African Declaration on Diabetes” which was officially launched during the IDF Congress in Cape Town, South Africa in the year 2006.
From year 2007-2012, I was Vice -President in IDF Global and at that time participated actively in various task forces and working groups representing African Region.
I have served on the Board of the Global NCD Alliance for the period 2021-23.
I therefore believe that have all the necessary experience to be a good candidate for the NCDA Board of Directors.
Kaushik is a Member of the Board of World Diabetes Foundation and Honorable General Secretary of Tanzania Diabetes Association (TDA) and Tanzania NCD Alliance (TANCDA), President Elect for the East African NCD Alliance (EANCDA), and member of the Board of the Global NCD Alliance.
At present, in addition to being the CEO & Consultant Physician at Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Kaushik is working on several programs including those with children who have Type 1 diabetes; cardiovascular complications of antiretroviral drugs in HIV/AIDS and Diabetes/TB interaction. Together with National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Muhimbili in Tanzania and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), Kaushik is working on communicable disease and NCD Integration models (MOCCA Study) and will be overseeing metformin intervention in HIV patients with IGT (META Trial). He is also part of the Tanzania Diabetes Association team implementing the National NCD program at primary care encompassing NCD prevention & promotion, curative services in primary care, training, policy & legislations, monitoring & evaluation and operational research.