The World Health Organization has several high level meetings during the year where civil society is able to participate and observe. Some of the meetings are highlighted below. The NCD Alliance engages in all relevant meetings and the product of our advocacy and work can be found on the left side panel.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board is composed of 34 Member States elected for three-year terms. The main meting is normally in January. The main functions of the Executive Board are to review the decisions and policies of the World Health Assembly.
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The World Health Assembly
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. Every year, delegations from each WHO Member State attends and reviews the agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The aim of the Assembly is to determine the policies of the Organization, supervise financial policies, and review and approve proposed programme budget.
More info here
Regional Committees
There are six WHO Regional offices who hold Regional Committees once every year to set policy and approve budgets and programmes of work for their respective regions. Each meeting addresses the specific health needs of the region and highlights the decisions made at the World Health Assembly.
The six regions are: AFRO, EURO, PAHO, WPRO, EMRO, SEARO.
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