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  • Healthy India Alliance: Promoting sub-national civil society action on NCDs in India

    Announcements  |  22nd March 2018

    The Healthy India Alliance (HIA) for the prevention and control of NCDs was launched in 2015 and provides a platform to both health and non-health civil society organisations (CSOs) in India to advance the agenda of NCD prevention and control.

  • East Africa NCD Alliance gears up to make the most of 2018

    Announcements  |  22nd March 2018

    The East African NCD Alliance (EA NCDA) promotes regional cooperation between the NCD Alliances of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar to provide a coordinated platform for addressing NCDs at sub-national, national and sub-regional levels.

  • Preparing for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs: What you need to know

    Announcements  |  22nd March 2018

    The UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs is a unique opportunity for governments to showcase how they have progressed on NCDs. Here is a list of campaign actions that national and regional NCD alliances can take.

  • Maldives NCD Alliance takes aim at HLM advocacy opportunities

    Announcements  |  22nd March 2018

    The Maldives Non-Communicable Disease Alliance was officially registered under the Maldives Associations Act of 2003, at the Ministry of Home Affairs, on 28th September 2017.

  • East Africa NCD Alliance gears up to make the most of 2018

    Announcements  |  22nd March 2018

    The East African NCD Alliance (EA NCDA) promotes regional cooperation between the NCD Alliances of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar to provide a coordinated platform for addressing NCDs at sub-national, national and sub-regional levels.

  • Say ‘Ahh’ for a healthy mouth, and body

    World Days  |  19th March 2018

    World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2018, on 20 March, marks the launch of the three-year Say ‘Ahh’ campaign. Created by the World Dental Federation (FDI) the campaign aims to educate people of the need to keep a healthy mouth in order to maintain overall health and quality of life.

  • Meeting is first step towards ending Global Fund’s ill-advised Heineken partnership, though concerns remain

    Press Releases  |  09th March 2018

    Civil society representatives met with the Global Fund last week to discuss concernes raised about a partnership with beer brewer, Heineken. While discussions were cause for optimisim, remaining doubts leave room for further dialogue about incompatible partnerships for health and development. 

  • NCD Alliance CEO Katie Dain speaking at the WHO Global Conference on NCDS, Montevideo, Oct. 2017

    Members named to Civil Society Working Group on UN HLM/NCDs

    Announcements  |  09th March 2018

    25 members have been named to the Civil Society Working Group on the third UN HLM on NCDs, joining Co-chairs the WHO Assistant Director-General Dr Svetlana Axelrod and the NCD Alliance CEO Katie Dain.