World Cancer Congress aims to strengthen the participants' actions and impact on national, regional and international scales through a multidisciplinary programme featuring the latest successful cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care interventions. The congress is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). This year it takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 17-19 September 2024, at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).
NCDA at World Cancer Congress
Shaping the future: preventing cancer and NCDs – advocating for commitments at the UNHLM on NCDs in 2025
Tuesday, 17 September, 9:00-10:00 am, Amphitheatre D.
This plenary session aims to create a comprehensive discussion on preventing cancer and NCDs, bridging the gap between identified risk factors and policy integration. It seeks to encourage actionable commitments on NCDs in 2025 at the UNHLM by featuring influential speakers and engaging the audience.
Find more information here.
Alcohol and cancer: Inspiring collaborations for the future
Tuesday, 17 September, 10:30am-12:00 pm, Plenary F.
The World Health Organization (WHO)/European Union (EU) Evidence into Action Alcohol Project (EVID-ACTION) contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the European Plan for Action against Cancer. Teaming up with the NCD Alliance, the objective of this session is to lay the foundations for a network of partners dedicated to fostering environments conducive to combating alcohol-related cancers. The immediate focus of the session will be to stimulate discussion among participants on how to use the latest data on the link between alcohol and cancer, particularly breast cancer, what can be asked of policymakers, and how best to work together to reduce cancer incidence worldwide. Through storytelling and the presentation of innovative campaigns, it aims to inspire collaborative efforts between national cancer societies and allies to promote the creation of environments that support the control of alcohol-related cancers. The event should result in a joint agreement between these stakeholders to pool their expertise and knowledge to advocate for the prevention of alcohol-related cancer risks.
Find more information here.
Alcohol causes cancer: Building awareness through alcohol labelling and health warnings
Wednesday, 18 September, 9:40-10:40am, Plenary A.
This session will address the importance of reducing exposure to cancer risk factors by building awareness about the alcohol and cancer link. It will present the background and rationale for alcohol labelling, including health warnings, as a tool for increasing awareness of the link between alcohol and caner; discuss recent and upcoming policy developments, as well as lessons from the experience of labelling policies on other NCD risk factors.
Find more information here.
Confirmed speakers:
- Averil Power, Irish Cancer Society, Ireland
- Nikhil Gokani, University of Essex, United Kingdom
- Liz Arnanz. NCD Alliance
- Dasa Kokole, WHO Europe Region
- Katie Daine, NCD Alliance
- Toyyib Abdulkareem, NCD Alliance
“Seizing the Moment” – A Working Session on Advancing Tobacco Control in Global Health and Sustainable Development Processes - BY INVITATION ONLY
Wednesday, 18 September, 9:40-10:40am, Room 9.
This interactive working session hosted by Cancer Research UK, in partnership with UICC, the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, and NCD Alliance, aims to share information and insights into these opportunities to promote and raise the profile of tobacco control in key global health & sustainable development policy processes between now and the end of 2025; to develop main messages and calls to action; and to create a roadmap for engagement and collective action.
More information here.
Rapid Fire 18 – Cancer prevention policy and screening and detection programmes
Wednesday, 18 September, 4:40-5:40pm, Abstract Hub - Room 4.
More information here.
Key Resources
Executive Summary: Getting fiscal policies right
A framework of NGO inside and outside strategies in the commercial determinants of health
Cancer Through Lived Experience Perspective
Diary of Noura Arnous, a person with lived experience of cancer, Syrian refugee living in Jordan
Diary of Sabiha Khan, who was a caregiver for her son who was living with cancer
Diary of Joselyne Nekesa Simiyu from Kenya, a person with lived experience of cancer
Diary of Chitrika de Mel from Sri Lanka, a person with lived experience of cancer
Diary of Omar Abureesh from Jordan, a person with lived experience of cancer
Diary of Mirriam Githaiga from Kenya, a person with lived experience of cancer
Diary of Salome Agallo, a person with lived experience of HIV and cancer