Published | 11th October 2023 |
Author | NCDA |
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Commercial marketing threatens human rights and is a major factor behind the global rise of NCDs – which cause 41 million deaths annually (74% of global mortality), with rising rates among children and young people in countries of all resource levels. In this policy report, we call on national policymakers to urgently enact comprehensive, robust regulation to protect children and young people from being targeted by and exposed to harmful commercial marketing, ideally extending to banning all forms of marketing of unhealthy products that can reach these groups, including in and outside of child-specific environments.
This policy report was commissioned to Children in All Policies 2030 (CAP-2030) by NCDA. We would like to thank Maria Soraghan and Sarah Dalglish from CAP-2030 for the research, support and leading of the draft process. NCDA developed the concept for the report, guided its production, and provided substantial review and feedback on draft versions of it. We would like to thank Toyyib Oladimeji Abdulkareem, Liz Arnanz Daugan and Alison Cox for their ideas, content guidance and review.
An Advisory Group comprised of subject matter experts and young people guided the development process, reviewed and provided input on draft versions of the report.
We would like to thank Ishu Kataria for her guidance and review as a member of the Advisory Group I would like to thank members of NCDA’s Peer Learning Advocacy Network (PLAN) on Prevention and CAP-2030 for their contributions. Invaluable inputs were also received from young individuals in two focus group discussions, and from consultations with colleagues at the American Heart Association, The George Institute for Global Health, HRIDAY and Healthy India Alliance, McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, Union for International Cancer Control and World Cancer Research Fund International.
How companies are selling you a sick future through harmful marketing
The 'Selling a sick future' report is accompanied by a explainer which defines the main concepts arround harmful marketing to children and young people and serves an introduction to the main report.
Click on the image below to download the explainer: