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  • 40 Latin American organizations launch the Healthy Latin American Coalition (HLAC)

    Announcements  |  07th March 2011

    (Buenos Aires, 3/4/2011) More than 40 Latin American civil society organizations met in Buenos Aires to launch the Healthy Latin American Coalition (HLAC) and develop a declaration recognizing the grave impact of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in the region, not only as a health emergency but as a deterrent to human development and an obstacle in the fight to prevent poverty.

  • The Bottom Billion Conference: 'This is the time to send a loud and simple message to Heads of State and Governments'

    Announcements  |  02nd March 2011

    NCDs of the Bottom Billion Conference, 2-3 March, Harvard University Opening Statement by the NCD Alliance delivered by Jean-Claude Mbanya, President of the International Diabetes Federation Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be at this conference speaking on behalf of NCD Alliance.

  • Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control: Jamaica government must follow WHO FCTC provisions

    Announcements  |  01st March 2011

    The Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control is becoming increasingly concerned about the decision to expand the production of tobacco growing in Jamaica which is in direct contravention of the World Health Organization (WHO) Treaty - The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which the Government of Jamaica signed on September 24, 2003 and ratified on July 7, 2005.

  • The Bottom Billion and NCDs: Claudine Manizabayo's story

    Announcements  |  28th February 2011

    Claudine Manizabayo was suffering from shortness of breath and a cough. At first, doctors mistook her symptoms for asthma. Then a clinical team specializing in non-communicable diseases examined her and came back with a different diagnosis--heart failure. In affluent countries like the United States, the symptoms and the diagnosis are feared and familiar among the elderly and people with coronary artery disease. Claudine is only 18. In poor countries like Rwanda, where she grew up in a family of farm laborers, heart failure often afflicts the young and the destitute.

  • Non-Communicable Diseases: the world’s number one killer for women

    Press Releases  |  28th February 2011

    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes, are the world’s number one killer causing 60% of deaths globally.

  • Center for Strategic and International Studies Launches Key Report on UN Summit

    Announcements  |  23rd February 2011

    The Center for Strategic and International Studies has launched a key report on the September 2011 UN NCD Summit.

  • Wiping Out Chronic Diseases May Add 10% to South Asia GDP, World Bank Says

     |  15th February 2011

    Eliminating heart disease, diabetes and other non-communicable illnesses may add between 4 percent and 10 percent to the gross domestic product of South Asia including India, the World Bank said. Heart disease is the biggest killer of people between the ages of 15 and 69 years in South Asia, the Washington-based bank said in a report published today. Non-communicable diseases now account for more than half of all disease in the region traditionally plagued by infectious maladies, the bank said.

  • Global Health Council Launches New Roundtable on Non-Communicable Diseases with The NCD Alliance and The American Cancer Society

    Announcements  |  02nd February 2011

    The transitioning global disease burden now means a world where the majority of mortality is a re