© NCD Alliance. From left: Jessica Beagley (NCDA, Policy Research Officer), Jeremiah Mwangi (WHF, Director of Policy & Advocacy), Helen McGuire ( PATH, USA, NCD Director), Kathryn Taubert (Vice President of Global Strategies, AHA).

NCDS at the World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health

13th June 2016

The World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health, held last week in Mexico City, was very successful for NCDs, with links being drawn from CVD to the broader NCD agenda from start to finish.

NCD Alliance team had a strong presence at the congress, with numerous sessions highlighting NCD-related issues, and dynamic, interactive discussions at the NCD Café, organised by NCD Alliance supporters. 

Over 20 of the world’s leading health organisations, including NCDA, signed The Mexico Declaration on Circulatory Health – the most comprehensive global declaration for the prevention of heart disease and stroke.