Consultation about NCDs
NCD Alliance

WHO seeking input on financing dialogue and 4th High-level Meeting on NCDs, by 26 May

10th May 2024

Civil society is invited to provide input to the upcoming meeting on financing for NCDs and mental health and the 4th UN High-level Meeting (HLM) on NCDs. Deadline for both online consultations is 26 May.

The International dialogue on sustainable financing for NCDs and mental health is scheduled for 20-21 June. A collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, the dialogue is part two of a series started in 2018 focused on exploring approaches to include NCDs and mental health responses in national health and financing plans.

Member States, UN bodies and non-State actors — including organizations of people with lived experience of NCDs and mental health conditions — are invited to give feedback on:

  • Draft technical background papers
  • A paper that summarizes each background paper
  • Emerging messages that will inform the dialogue’s outcome document.

A feedback template is provided on the WHO website along with an email address for sending questions.

The online consultation, and the financing dialogue, are part of the preparatory process for the 4th UN HLM on NCDs.

A separate consultation, to provide input to the report of the WHO Director-General (DG) for the HLM, is taking place at the same time. Comments are sought on “key priority areas that can lead to action-oriented recommendations required to achieve the 6 objectives of the Global NCD Action Plan 2013–2030, with an added focus on the promotion of mental health and well-being.”

The feedback template and email address for inquiries is also on the WHO website.

The DG’s report will be submitted to the 2025 World Health Assembly.

Another consultation process is scheduled for 1 to 15 August 2024, to provide an opportunity to review the first draft of the DG’s report, and provide written comments. WHO says that specific details will be shared closer to the date.