Post-2015 development framework and NCDs

NCD Alliance position

Health must remain at the center of the post-2015 framework and prioritise the prevention and control of NCDs.

The future development framework must include a specific target on NCDs to help achieve the agreed goal to reduce preventable mortality from NCDs 25% by the year 2025. An overarching health goal should not place health challenges in competition with one another, and should and support the creation of environments that facilitate health and wellbeing for all. Universal health coverage (UHC) could be the enabler to achieving such a goal.

Read more in our submissions on NCDs and global development themes, including health in the post-2015 agenda.

Reports on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Four reports with narrative and recommendations on the post-2015 development agenda have been released in recent months. These reports will add to the global dialogue, inform the UN Secretary-General as he prepares his vision for the post-2015 development framework, and help shape governments' views ahead of the intergovernmental process to determine the final framework.

Click here to read NCD Alliance inputs and analyses of these reports.

UN System Preparations on Post-2015

In January 2012, the UN Secretary General set up a UN Task Team (UNTT) to begin the evaluation process of the MDGs and provide suggestions for the scope of a post-2015 development framework. Their subsequent report, Realizing the Future We Want (July 2012)recommends core values, key dimensions, and priority issues for for consideration in the post-2015 framework. 

To help inform the UNTT and members of our network, the NCD Alliance prepared:

In addition to the report, the UNTT released 18 thematic think pieces, including one on health.

Global Thematic Consultations

The UN embarked on a series of global thematic consultations with academia, media, private sector, employers and trade unions, civil society and decision makers, between May 2012 and June 2013 to inform the post-2015 dialogues and the recommendations made by the UN High-level Panel. The global themes include inequalities, health, food and nutrition security, and other priority development issues.

NCDA closely followed these consutlations, providing contributions to the health, inequalities, food and nutrition security, and environmental consultations. Click here to learn more.

EC Consultation on Post-2015

The EC  launched a public consultation on the post-2015 framework to inform the EU contribution to the UN process. Click here to read the NCD Alliance response to this consultation.