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Published | 05th June 2019 |
Author | The NCD Alliance, The George Institute for Global Health |
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With Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) causing two of every three deaths of women each year, action to implement Universal Health Coverage (UHC) must recognise and address sex and gender differences in NCD risk factors, care pathways and outcomes if services are to be targeted effectively and deliver healthy lives and well-being for women and girls around the world.
The first UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), to be held in September 2019 in New York, is an opportunity for governments to recognise that health systems must mainstream gender-sensitive services that address gender-related barriers to health for people of all genders, and secure equitable access to services across the continuum of care, prioritising the most marginalised women and girls.
This policy brief outlines some of the gender-specific dimensions of NCDs that UHC must address, and presents a number of recommendations to improve the health and wellbeing of girls and women.