WHO best buys
New guide supports civil society in advocating for WHO Best Buys for NCD prevention
28th March 2023
The NCD Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of its latest resource, A civil society guide to advance NCD prevention policies: Unpacking WHO’s Best Buys and other recommended interventions.
Alcohol use
24th January 2023
It is now widely accepted that there is no safe level of alcohol. Global alcohol policy, however, has proven to be insufficient in reducing the burden of alcohol use, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Faced with constant policy interference and aggressive marketing strategies on the part of the alcohol industry, alcohol control seeks to regain momentum.
A person dies every two seconds from an NCD, says WHO report
21st September 2022
Every two seconds, a person under the age of 70 dies of an NCD, and 86% of those deaths occur LMICs, says WHO in a new report and accompanying data portal.