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  • Members of GCM Working Groups Announced, Documents Open for Comment

    Announcements  |  07th January 2015

    Following nominations by Member States in November 2014 of proposed members for the Working Groups of the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs (GCM/NCD), the proposed members have now been published.

  • Cancer leaders call to fund Gavi, the vaccine alliance

    Announcements  |  05th January 2015

    The NCD Alliance has joined cancer leaders in a Call to Action (CtA) to fund Gavi, the vaccine alliance, and support its work against hepatitis B and human papillomanvirus in the poorest countries of the world. 

  • Perspectives on the Global Financing Facility

    Announcements  |  02nd January 2015

    The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) has released a report from its recent consultation process on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in support of Every Woman Every Child.

  • Joint Mission of the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs to India

    Announcements  |  19th December 2014

    A joint mission of the United Nations Inter Agency Task Force (UNIATF) on the Prevention and Control of NCDs visited India from 8-12 December with the goal of enhancing UN support to the Government of India to scale up the national multisectoral response to NCDs.

  • NCDs among top priorities for World Conference on Tobacco or Health

    Announcements  |  18th December 2014

    The 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) will be held from 17 to 21 March 2015 in Abu Dhabi, the Capital City of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

  • 500+ organisations launch global coalition to accelerate UHC

    World Days  |  17th December 2014

    A new global coalition of more than 500 leading health and development organisations worldwide is urging governments to accelerate reforms that ensure everyone, everywhere, can access quality health services without being forced into poverty.

  • First-ever Universal Health Coverage Day

    World Days  |  11th December 2014

    The NCD Alliance joined 500+ organizations around the world to launch the first-ever Universal He

  • NCDs at the centre of debate in World Cancer Congress 2014

    Announcements  |  11th December 2014

    The World Cancer Congress 2014 was immensely successful for NCDs, with links being drawn from cancer to the broader NCD agenda from start to finish. The NCD Alliance team had a strong presence at WCC, with numerous sessions highlighting NCD-related issues, and dynamic, interactive discussions at the NCD Cafe, organised by NCD Alliance supporters.