El Foro Caribeño de ENT destaca el papel de la región en la RAN sobre ENT 2018

Wed, 04/25/2018

Cerca de 100 miembros de la sociedad civil y otras partes interesadas clave se reunieron en Jamaica esta semana para garantizar que el Caribe participe en la 3ª Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU (RAN).

ISN partners with NCD Alliance to push for inclusion of NCDs on global health agendas ahead of UN HLM

Wed, 04/25/2018

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) is pleased to become a full member of the NCD Alliance (NCDA) in order to accelerate political commitment and action on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide, including kidney disease.

Caribbean NCD Forum highlights region's role in 2018 HLM on NCDs

Wed, 04/25/2018

Nearly 100 civil society and other key stakeholders gathered in Jamaica this week to ensure that the Caribbean is fully engaged in the 3rd UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on NCDs.

Our Views, Our Voices Group: Examples of Meaningful Involvement in Practice

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Colombia: Premian a la Corte Constitucional por defender derechos de los consumidores

Mon, 04/23/2018

El fallo de la Corte que defendió el derecho de los consumidores a conocer los efectos del azúcar en la salud ganó el premio Global Freedom of Expression.


Colombia: Constitutional Court awarded for defending consumer rights

Mon, 04/23/2018

A ruling by the Constitutional Court of Colombia defending the right of consumers to know about the effects of sugar on health has won the Global Freedom of Expression Award.

71st World Health Assembly (WHA71)

Event start date: 
20 May, 2018

This page will be updated as information becomes available. 


Lanzamiento del sitio web de la campaña ¡Basta!

Fri, 04/20/2018

Hoy presentamos el sitio web de nuestra campaña ¡BASTA! frente la Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU de 2018 sobre ENT.


Lancement du site Internet de la campagne ASSEZ !

Fri, 04/20/2018

Aujourd’hui, le site Internet de notre campagne pour la Réunion de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur les MNT de 2018, ASSEZ !, est mis en ligne !

ENOUGH campaign website launched

Fri, 04/20/2018

Today the website of our campaign for the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs – ENOUGH. went live! Visit enoughncds.com and find out what actions you can take to be an agent of change for NCDs.
