World Health Day 2017, Indonesia: Depression, Let’s Talk

Wed, 04/19/2017

April 7th is celebrated as International World Health Day, which this year highlighted the theme of dpression. Estimates show there were over 9 million people with depression and over 8 million people with anxiety in Indonesia in 2015. This places the country in second place in terms of prevalence in the South-East Asia, after India.

East African NCDA initiates continent-wide NCD research group

Wed, 04/19/2017

In recognition of the challenges facing NCD research in Africa, the East African NCD alliance has spearheaded a new continent-wide group to facilitate multi-sectoral and coordinated research efforts between multi-disciplinary teams.

Launch of the Jordan Noncommunicable Disease Alliance

Tue, 04/04/2017

The Jordan Noncommunicable Disease Alliance (JNCDA) was officially launched on April 4. We congratulate them on their accomplishment and warmly welcome them to the NCD community!

Colombian Supreme Court protects right to health in historic ruling

Wed, 04/12/2017

The Supreme Court defends the right to information and informed consumer consent. This historic ruling supports CSOs efforts to show the harmful effects of SSB on human health.  

Cancer patient coalitions call on WHO for recognition & support

Wed, 04/12/2017

The European Cancer Patient Coalition together with Organisation of European Cancer Institutes call for the World Health Organization to improve the draft 2017 WHO Cancer Resolution.

A risk factor for mental health disorders, childhood abuse must stop

Childhood abuse & neglect lead to devastating and long lasting, yet preventable mental health conditions such as depression. It's a scourge we must talk about this World Health Day.

New NCD Advocacy Institute Seed Programme partners announced

Wed, 03/29/2017

We are pleased to announce the selected Seed Programme partners from emerging NCD alliances & civil society organsations in Ghana, The Philippines, Myanmar, Nigeria, Vietnam & Indonesia.

Global diabetes prevalence could make ending TB impossible unless we act now

Diabetes increases the risk of tuberculosis, TB treatment failure & drug resistance. Uniting efforts on TB & NCDs now will spare people living with the co-burden from unnecessary suffering.


New film reveals the unseen world of TB from the inside out

Thu, 03/23/2017

To coincide with World TB Day on 24 March, "The Lucky Specials" has been launched in the US. The film illustrates the unseen world of TB. 



Same packaging, same shape and same color... but fakes!

Thu, 03/23/2017

Antibiotics used to treat TB are some of the most commonly falsified medicines in the world, and not only hinder global progress on TB but also control of diabetes in people living with both diseases.
