NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library

Civil Society Resource Library

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Civil Society Resource Library

  • NCD Alliance Strategic Plan 2016-2020 at a Glance

    NCD Alliance Strategic Plan 2016-2020 at a Glance

    Annual Reports & Strategic Plans
    (37.03kB)  |  07th December 2015

    One-pager infographic of NCD Alliance's main priorities for 2016-2020.

  • Katie Dain Speaks with GCHA on COP21

    Katie Dain Speaks with GCHA on COP21

    Advocacy Materials
     |  30th November 2015

    Katie Dain spoke with The Global Climate & Health Alliance in the lead up to COP21 in Paris late in 2015 regarding links between climate change, sustainable development and health, & the co-benefits of finding solutions to environmental and health challenges.

  • South African Civil Society Status Report 2010- 2015

    South African Civil Society Status Report 2010- 2015

    NCD Background Information
     |  19th November 2015

    Mapping South Africa's response to the epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases.

  • Sharjah Declaration on NCDs - Arabic version

    Sharjah Declaration on NCDs - Arabic version

    Open Letters & Calls to Action
    (140.84kB)  |  16th November 2015

    وثيقة الشارقة ل مراض غير المعدية متحدون لتحقيق جدول أعمال 2030 للتنمية المستدامة: تسريع وتيرة العمل والمسؤولية في ا مراض غير المعدية Version 15th November 2015

  • Sharjah Declaration on NCDs

    Sharjah Declaration on NCDs

    Advocacy Materials
     |  15th November 2015

    Civil Society United Towards 2030, agreed at Global NCD Alliance Forum 2015

  • Sharjah Youth Statement on NCD Advocacy and Accountability in the Post-2015 Era

    Sharjah Youth Statement on NCD Advocacy and Accountability in the Post-2015 Era

    Advocacy Materials
     |  15th November 2015

    This youth statement highlights the importance of engaging youth and patient voices in NCD advocacy and action.

  • Achieving 25 x 25 Through Civil Society Coalitions

    Achieving 25 x 25 Through Civil Society Coalitions

    National & Regional Action
     |  13th November 2015

    The report "Achieving 25 x 25 through civil society coalitions" was launched in November 2015. It aims to understand how NCD alliances have developed and how their growth can be accelerated and sustained.

  • IDF Diabetes Atlas

    IDF Diabetes Atlas

    Advocacy Materials
     |  12th November 2015

    The IDF Diabetes Atlas is the authoritative resource on the global burden of diabetes. First published in 2000, it is produced by IDF biennially in collaboration with experts from around the world and contains data on diabetes cases, prevalence, mortality and expenditure on the global, regional and national level. Figures from the Atlas are frequently quoted in scientific papers and by the media. The IDF Diabetes Atlas is considered as one of IDF’s most valuable and visible projects. A full IDF Diabetes Atlas report is produced every two years.