NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library

Civil Society Resource Library

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Civil Society Resource Library

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 18 June 2015 (pdf of slides)

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 18 June 2015 (pdf of slides)

    Tools & Guidance
    (3.09MB)  |  18th June 2015

    Agenda: (1) 68th World Health Assembly; (2) Post-2015 Development Campaign; (3) Global NCD Alliance Forum (slides).

  • Case study: Advocating for Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation in Mexico

    Case study: Advocating for Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation in Mexico

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (10.44MB)  |  18th June 2015

    As one of the first countries to pass a tax on SSBs, Mexico’s experience provides key lessons for advocates interested in pursuing policy change in cities, states, and countries around the world. A case study was conducted to explore the strategies of SSB tax proponents and opponents leading up to the passage of the 2013 tax in Mexico.

  • Curbing global sugar consumption

    Curbing global sugar consumption

    Articles & Case Studies
     |  20th May 2015

    In this brief, WCRFI provides a guide to available policies that can assist countries in reducing the amount of sugar consumed at a population level to meet the World Health Organization’s sugar guideline.

  • NCD Alliance Annual Report 2014 - 2015

    NCD Alliance Annual Report 2014 - 2015

    Annual Reports & Strategic Plans
    (6.40MB)  |  10th May 2015

    Highlights of the 2014-2015 included partners in South Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean pioneering civil society monitoring on NCDs, with the development of Civil Society Status Reports. In addition, the network of national and regional NCD alliances has continued to flourish.

  • NCDs: A major challenge for sustainable development

    NCDs: A major challenge for sustainable development

     |  01st May 2015

    The 2-pager infographic provides advocates in our network with a concise and eye-catching resource to be used in their communication efforts. It is available for download as a navigable PDF.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 30 April 2015 (pdf of slides)

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 30 April 2015 (pdf of slides)

    Tools & Guidance
    (3.24MB)  |  30th April 2015

    Agenda: (1) 68th World Health Assembly; (2) Post-2015 Development Campaign (slides).

  • The Tobacco Atlas

    The Tobacco Atlas

    Advocacy Materials
     |  19th March 2015

    The Atlas graphically details the scale of the tobacco epidemic; the harmful influence of tobacco on health, poverty, social justice, and the environment; the progress that has been made in tobacco control; and the latest products and tactics being deployed by the industry to protect its profits and delay and derail tobacco control.

  • Guía para la incidencia política: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015

    Guía para la incidencia política: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
     |  15th March 2015

    La Guía para la Incidencia Política de la Alianza de ENT ya está disponible en español. Tiene como objetivo facilitar a los miembros de nuestra red la información clave para comprender los procesos de formulación de la agenda de desarrollo post-2015; articular la posición de las ENT y la salud en el marco posterior al año 2015; y llevar adelante acciones con impacto.