NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library
Civil Society Resource Library
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This study was undertaken by the East African NCD Alliance Post-2015 Initiative, a loose coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) working to tackle the challenge of NCDs in the East Africa region.
The life-course approach focuses on how multiple determinants interact to affect health throughout life and across generations. Health is considered as a dynamic continuum rather than a series of isolated health states.
The report aims to provide a detailed assessment of progress made in tackling NCDs in the Caribbean as viewed by civil society, and in- cludes a call to action in those areas in which gaps have been detected and about which the HCC will encourage and assist civil society organsation (CSO) led advocacy.
Part of a WHO SEARO Advocacy Docket entitled 'Together We Can: Prevent and Control the World's Most Common Diseases.
Part of a WHO SEARO Advocacy Docket entitled 'Together We Can: Prevent and Control the World's Most Common Diseases.
Part of a WHO SEARO Advocacy Docket entitled 'Together We Can: Prevent and Control the World's Most Common Diseases.