NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • New brief highlights links between oral diseases and NCDs

    New brief highlights links between oral diseases and NCDs

    Policy Briefs
     |  31st August 2017

    This policy brief looks at the links between oral diseases and NCDs, and provides recommendations for their prevention and control.

  • Addressing NCDs: Psoriasis and its Co-morbidities

    Addressing NCDs: Psoriasis and its Co-morbidities

    Policy Briefs
     |  24th May 2017

    People with psoriasis are at greater risk of developing co-morbid conditions. What is notable about psoriasis co-morbidities is that all are NCDs. Psoriasis also shares the same risk factors - tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and harmful use of alcohol – as other NCDs.

  • NCDs in Emergencies

    NCDs in Emergencies

    Policy Briefs
    (267.60kB)  |  21st February 2017

    This brief is intended primarily for emergency planners, emergency care professionals and policy-makers tasked with emergency response and preparedness. It provides a brief overview of the impact of emergencies on people with NCDs, and describes the minimum standards and priority actions to be adopted in relation to NCD care in emergencies.

  • Joint policy brief: The link between food, nutrition, diet and NCDs

    Joint policy brief: The link between food, nutrition, diet and NCDs

    Policy Briefs
     |  13th November 2014

    The NCD Alliance and World Cancer Research Fund International successfully advocated for NCDs to be included on the agenda and outcomes of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (Rome, November 2014). Download our updated joint policy brief.

  • Universal Health Coverage and Non-Communicable Diseases: A Mutually Reinforcing Agenda (2014)

    Universal Health Coverage and Non-Communicable Diseases: A Mutually Reinforcing Agenda (2014)

    Policy Briefs
    (797.30kB)  |  20th September 2014

    The NCD Alliance policy brief analyses the synergies and barriers for NCDs and UHC, as well as providing policy measures to ensure that UHC directly contributes to improving NCD prevention and control.

  • Sustaining Human Development: Leveraging Early Life Opportunities to Prevent and Control NCDs

    Sustaining Human Development: Leveraging Early Life Opportunities to Prevent and Control NCDs

    Policy Briefs
    (2.09MB)  |  01st December 2013

    Addressing NCD risks and treatment in children, adolescents and youth is an issue of human rights, as well as a priority for health and sustainable human development. Research shows that the reproductive, maternal and newborn child health continuum o ers critical entry points for in uencing NCD risk later in life and the health status of individuals, families, and future generations.

  • Sustaining Equitable Human Development: Addressing Non-Communicable Diseases and Disability Throughout the Lifecourse

    Sustaining Equitable Human Development: Addressing Non-Communicable Diseases and Disability Throughout the Lifecourse

    Policy Briefs
    (1.74MB)  |  01st October 2013

    A growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the rising prevalence of disability, and changing global population demographics (including rapidly ageing populations) together pose some of the greatest challenges to sustainable development in the 21st century. These issues impact on quality of life, diminish human dignity, negate human rights, and threaten to reverse the gains made towards creating and sustaining equitable, healthy human development.The determination of the post-2015 development agenda affords an opportunity to ensure a future framework that fully integrates NCDs, that goals and targets drive progress for all people including persons with disabilities, and that a lifecourse and rights-based approach underpins all goals and targets to ensure no one is left behind. Produced in collaboration with Handicap International, HelpAge International, and ADI. (2013)

  • Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The NCD Alliance Vision for Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

    Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The NCD Alliance Vision for Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

    Policy Briefs
     |  20th May 2013

    This policy brief sets out the NCD Alliance’s vision for NCDs and health more broadly in the post-2015 development agenda.