NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 31 July 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 31 July 2018

     |  01st August 2018

    This webinar covered: NCDA Updates: New staff & launch of NCDA membership; Update on the UN HLM Process; News from the UN High-level Political Forum; WHO Regional Committee Meetings; ENOUGH & the Global Week For Action on NCDs.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 13 June 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 13 June 2018

     |  19th June 2018

    The Agenda focused on The 71st World Health Assembly - WHA71, Preparations for the 2018 UN HLM on NCDs, and ENOUGH, the campaign on the 3rd High-Level Meeting on NCDs.

  •  NCD Alliance Webinar, 8 May 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 8 May 2018

     |  09th May 2018

    The Agenda focused on: ENOUGH, the campaign on the 3rd High-Level Meeting on NCDs; Preparations for the 2018 UN HLM on NCDs; & The 71st World Health Assembly - WHA71.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 4 April 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 4 April 2018

     |  09th April 2018

    In-depth update on our campaign for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs and the Financing for NCDs Conference.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 13 February 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 13 February 2018

     |  13th February 2018

    This webinar focused on discussions and outcomes from the 142nd WHO Executive Board.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 17 January 2018

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 17 January 2018

     |  17th January 2018

    This webinar included updates on the Lancet Commission on Palliative Care & overview of the Lancet Report: Alleviating the Access Abyss in Palliative Care and Pain Relief: An Imperative of Universal Health Coverage; preparations for the forthcoming 142nd WHO Executive Board, and the 2018 High Level Meeting on NCDs; and a recap on the 2nd Global NCD Alliance Forum, including more about the NCD Civil Society Atlas and the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 28 November 2017

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 28 November 2017

     |  28th November 2017

    This webinar included updates on preparations for the 2018 High level Meeting on NCDs, the WHO General Programme of Work 2019-2023, Scaling Up Nutrition Global Gathering, COP23 & Environmental Health Updates, 2017 Global NCD Alliance Forum, Updates from Our Views Our Voices Initiative and a quick look ahead to 2018.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 25 October 2017

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 25 October 2017

     |  26th October 2017

    This webinar included a debrief from 72nd UN General Assembly, recaps on the WHO Global Conference on NCDs and the 2017 WHO Regional Committee Meetings, and finished with an update on forthcoming Global NCD Alliance Forum.