NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Reproductive Years

    Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Reproductive Years

    (71.86kB)  |  08th March 2017

    This pocket card explores how together, common NCDs are the leading causes of death and disability among women of reproductive age and contribute significantly to maternal death and disability. Active screening, diagnosis, and management of common NCDs during a woman’s reproductive years are critical for her health and that of her children.

  • Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Girls and Adolescents

    Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Girls and Adolescents

    (71.51kB)  |  08th March 2017

    This pocket card explores how half of all NCDs that present in adulthood – begin early in life, and many behaviours that underlie common NCDs start during adolescence. Children and adolescents living with NCDs or caring for family members with these conditions often reach lower levels of educational attainment and have poorer access to employment opportunities than those without these responsibilities. To maximise adolescents’ and girls’ opportunities, the NCD epidemic must be addressed.

  • Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Girls Under Five years

    Women & NCDs - A Call to Action: Girls Under Five years

    (77.05kB)  |  08th March 2017

    This pocket card explores how increased risks of developing common NCDs – begin as early as gestation. A girl’s development from the womb through early childhood provides a critical opportunity to establish a strong foundation for lifelong health.

  • Women and NCDs: A call to action

    Women and NCDs: A call to action

    Open Letters & Calls to Action
     |  07th March 2017

    NCD Alliance and the Task Force on Women and NCDs are calling on governments to take urgent action to integrate NCDs into existing HIV/AIDS and maternal health programmes, ensure Universal Health Coverage, and adopt a gender and evidence-based approach to tackling NCDs across the lifecourse.

  • NCDs in Emergencies

    NCDs in Emergencies

    Policy Briefs
    (267.60kB)  |  21st February 2017

    This brief is intended primarily for emergency planners, emergency care professionals and policy-makers tasked with emergency response and preparedness. It provides a brief overview of the impact of emergencies on people with NCDs, and describes the minimum standards and priority actions to be adopted in relation to NCD care in emergencies.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 14 February 2017

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 14 February 2017

     |  14th February 2017

    This webinar explored Progress on Global Physical Activity Policy, Updates from the WHO Executive Board, the 2018 UN High Level Meeting on NCDs, and Preparations for CSW and the UN HLPF.

  • Overview Document of NCD Alliance Process Priorities for the 2018 UN High-level Meeting on NCDs

    Overview Document of NCD Alliance Process Priorities for the 2018 UN High-level Meeting on NCDs

    Key Political Commitments
     |  23rd January 2017

    This briefing note lays out the NCD Alliance’s priorities for the process leading up to the 2018 High-level meeting, to ensure an inclusive, comprehensive preparatory process and a successful HLM.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 11 January 2017

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 11 January 2017

     |  11th January 2017

    NCD Alliance webinar discussing an Overview of 2017, WHO Executive Board, WHO Global Action Plan on Dementia, WHO Cancer Resolution, WHO FCTC COP7, and the EURO regional NCD Civil Society meeting.