(Reconvened) 73rd WHO World Health Assembly Statement on Agenda item 11.1 Primary health care

(Reconvened) 73rd WHO World Health Assembly Statement on Agenda item 11.1 Primary health care <
Published 13th November 2020
Author Union for International Cancer Control, NCD Alliance


This statement is delivered on behalf of UICC, supported by the NCD Alliance. 
We welcome the development of the operational framework and the political momentum behind primary health care (PHC), recognising its critical importance as the foundation for universal health coverage (UHC). Effective cancer and NCD control start with strong PHC. Cancer and other NCDs are often and erroneously thought of as diseases that can be managed only in tertiary health facilities. This is not the case. Prevention programmes, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care for cancer and other NCDs are only effective with strong PHC.