Published | 23rd August 2021 |
Author | NCD Alliance, Africa NCDs Network |
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The NCD Alliance, Africa NCDs Network, and its 40 member Civil Society Organizations thank the WHO for preparing the global report to accelerate elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in the WHO African Region and for giving us the opportunity to make this statement.
Cancer is one of the five main non-communicable diseases (NCDs), sharing common risk factors and health system needs with other NCDs and health conditions. Cervical cancer is the most common cause of cancer in Africa, but it is also preventable, thus needing a holistic approach by integrating it into existing primary NCDs and sexual and reproductive health services.
Caused mainly by persistent infection by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with Africa accounting for 21% of the global burden with a trend pointing to a mortality increase to 30% by 2031. The African Region is disproportionately affected with 19 Member States having the highest burden of cervical cancer globally. Socioeconomic and cultural factors and poor access to health care services, and the HIV prevalence in the Africa Region are contributing greatly to it.