The George Institute for Global Health
©The George Institute for Global Health

The George Institute for Global Health

The George Institute for Global Health is a health and medical research institute whose mission is to improve the health of millions of people worldwide.

The George Institute will achieve this by providing the best evidence to guide critical health decisions; engaging with decision makers to enact real change; targeting global epidemics, particularly of chronic diseases and injury; focusing on vulnerable populations in both rich and poor countries.

NCDA supporter & full member

About The George Institute

The George Institute was founded in Australia in 1999 with the aim of reducing the escalating burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injury around the world. In 2007, the institute launched additional offices in India and China, followed by the UK in 2013.

By 2018, The George Institute had grown to more than 600 staff across all global centres. Our projects have spanned more than 50 countries, our publications have received 119,000 citations, and we have raised over $800 million for global health research.

In 2015, The Lancet called The George Institute “one of the world’s most renowned global research institutions” and, in 2018, we were ranked the top research institute in Australia, second in Asia and #33 in the world, by the Times Higher Education research institute rankings.

People, not test tubes

Health solutions for chronic disease and injury prevention are often surprisingly simple and quick to implement. We focus on understanding what puts people at risk of death and disability from the most common types of injury, chronic and critical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Faster results, better health outcomes

This offers great opportunities to improve and even save lives, cost-effectively, in a short time. In biomedical research, it can take decades before research findings are translated into medical practice. The Institute’s goal is to generate outputs that can effect crucial change within a five year time-frame.

Seeing research through to practice

Once the results of our research are published we actively engage in the translation of our work into policy guidelines and practice, influencing policy-makers to bring the best available evidence into their decision making. We develop health innovations, conceptualising and testing novel technologies for use by clinicians, assessing their value and delivering them into the primary health care setting.

The George Institute's global work

The global health landscape is changing rapidly as a consequence of a myriad of factors including population growth, ageing, lifestyle changes and new pandemics of chronic disease and injury. This is placing unprecedented demands on already overstretched healthcare resources in both higher and lower income countries. Research is essential in the development of effective and affordable solutions to these challenges. The George Institute is committed to undertaking research and identifying practical solutions that are central to improving the health of people worldwide, particularly in those in resource-poor settings.

Our work is:

  • Preventing heart disease in India;
  • Improving healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians;
  • Closing healthcare gaps in China;
  • Making roads safer around the world;
  • Preventing the complications of diabetes;
  • Changing decades old thinking about intensive care;
  • Improving outcomes among stroke survivors;
  • Using mobile technology to make healthcare accessible worldwide;
  • Developing tools to empower people to improve their own health.

We are proud to work with a number of health research and advocacy networks to realise change. In addition to partnering with NCD Alliance, The George Institute is an active member of groups including the Child Health Initiative, the UK NCD Working Group, the Taskforce on Women and NCDs, the Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines and Products, the UN Road Safety Collaboration and the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs.


Level 5, 1 King Street
Newtown , NSW, 2042



