© El Poder del Consumidor: Public health advocates speak out against ultra-processed food industry in Mexico.

List of National & Regional NCD Alliances

National and regional alliances between organisations in the field of non-communicable diseases have joined forces around the world to advocate to governments, provide education and patient support, and to raise awareness of the growing NCD burden. As a globally connected network, alliances are instrumental in advocating for better policies to address NCD management and prevention across relevant sectors.


Below is a list of NCD alliances and CSO coalitions that the NCD Alliance is aware of that are working in the NCD space in their respective countries and regions. Please note the alliances listed below are not formally affiliated to the NCD Alliance. If you know of, or are interested in joining or creating a national NCD alliance in your country, please contact us.

List of Regional and National NCD Alliances: 


Africa Consortium for NCDs Prevention & Control in sub-Saharan Africa (CNCD-Africa) Website | Contact | Twitter 

Asia ASEAN NCD Network Contact

Asia Pacific Asia Pacific NCD Alliance Website 

Caribbean Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) Website | Contact

East Africa East Africa NCD Alliance 

Europe European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA) Website Contact

Latin America Healthy Latin America Coalition, Coalicion Latino America Saludable (CLAS) Website |  Contact


Argentina NCD Alliance Argentina (being established)

Australia Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) Website | Contact

Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum (NCD-F) Website | Contact

Bangladesh Bangladesh Network for NCD Control and Prevention (budding)

Bermuda (being established)

Brasil - ACT+ Website

Burundi - Burundi NCD Alliance

Canada - Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada Website | Contact

Chile Frente por un Chile Saludable 

Chile Alianza Chilena de Enfermedades No Transmisibles Contact

Colombia Mesa Nacional por las Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles | Contact

Denmark The Danish NCD Alliance Website | Contact


Ethiopia - Consortium on NCD Ethiopian Associations Website  | Contact

Finland - Finnish NCD Alliance WebsiteContact

Germany German NCD Alliance (DANK)  Website Contact

India Healthy India Alliance Website

Indonesia NCD Indonesia (being established) 

Italy Italian Wellness Alliance

Japan Japan NCD Alliance Website

Kazakshtan Kazakshtan NCD Alliance

Kenya NCD Alliance Kenya (NCDAK) Website

Lebanon (being established)

Malawi Malawi NCD Allaince

Malaysia Malaysian NCD Alliance Website

Maldives Maldives NCD Alliance (being established)

Mexico Mexico Salud-Hable Website

Nepal NCD Alliance-Nepal

Nigeria Nigerian NCD Alliance

Norway The Norwegian NCD Alliance

Peru National NCD Alliance of Peru

Rwanda Rwanda NCD Alliance

Saudi Arabia Saudi Noncommunicable Disease Alliance

South Africa South Africa Alliance (SANCDA) Website

Sri Lanka NCD Alliance Sri Lanka

Sweden Svenska NCD-nätverket Website

Trinidad and Tobago

Uganda Uganda NCD Alliance (UNCDA)Website | Contact Twitter

United Kingdom Richmond Group | Website

United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania NCD Alliance (TANCDA) Website

USA NCD Roundtable (NCDRT)  | Website | Contact

Uruguay National Alliance for the Control of NCDs

Zambia (being established)

Zanzibar Zanzibar National NCD Alliance (Z-NCDA) Website | Contact